Lingura cu stejar.
Conţine simbolul ghindei si al frunzei de stejar. Acestea reprezintã simbolul puterii si ordinii. Acest simbol a fost ulterior adoptat si încorporat în semnul armatei.
Oak spoon.
It has carved the symbol of the leaf of the oak and acorn witch its means power and order. This symbol it was later used by Romanian Military Forces.
cod articol/article code: stj01
pret / price: € 45
Lingura cu porumbei.
Contine simbolul "Soare amiazã", porumbeii cioc in cioc in cuib si simbolul casei. Aceste reprezentand simbolul prosperitãţii si al familiei. Porumbeii cioc în cioc reprezentând dragostea dintre soţi.
Doves spoon.
It has carved the symbol of Sun at noon (full energy), the doves kissing and sitting in the nest, meaning love and the house, meaning family or household.
cod articol/article code: por01
pret / price: € 45
Lingura cu viţã de vie.
Conţine simbolul "Soare amiaza", frunza de viţã de vie, ciorchinele de strugure si butoiul de vin. Acestea reprezintã belşugul si bunãstarea.
Vine spoon.
It has carved the symbol of "Sun at noon" witch it means full energy, the leaf of vine, the grape and the wine barrel, all of them meaning prosperity.
cod articol/article code: vv01
pret / price: € 45
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Lingura cu ÅŸerpi.
Şarpele în cultura localã reprezintã înţelepciune. O altã tradiţie spune cã acolo unde se cuibãreşte şarpele este bine sã îţi construieşti casa, iar când un şarpe se aşeza pe lângã o gospodãrie oamenii îl hrãneau şi îi tolerau prezenţa.
Snake spoon.
It has carved the symbol of snakes. In the elders belive it reprasents the wisdom.
It was said that the place were the snake its nesting is a good area to buid your house. It is said that the elders was tolerant with the presence of the snake and also they was feeding it.
cod articol/article code: sap01
pret / price: € 45
Lingura lãuzei.
Pasãrea mãiastrã cu puiul cioc in cioc cu Soarele amiazã deasupra, aşezate in cuib pe casã. Legãtura dintre casã şi cuib este facutã prin formã de romb (fertilitate).
Cu aceastã lingurã mânca mama dupã ce naştea, timp de 40 de zile. Apoi o pãstra pentru a-i fi dãruitã copilului.
Childbed spoon.
It was a special spoon used by the mother after birth for 40 days. After this period the spoon was conserved and given to the child later on.
Magic bird feeding its chick with the noon Sun symbol above and sitting in the nest on the house. The connection between nest and the house is a diamond shape, sign of fertility.
cod articol/article code: mai01
pret / price: € 45
Lingura pãstorului.
Aceastã lingurã este ornatã cu simbolul câinelui lãtrând la Soare sau la Lunã (paznicul turmei), turma de oi reprezentatã prin "Soare amiazã" (belşug, prosperitate), inconjurate de colţii lupilor, permanentã ameninţare (crestãturi simple).
Shepard's spoon.
This spoon contains the sign of the dog (guard of the sheep flock) howling at the Moon/Sun, Sun at noon - symbol of the prosperity, here representing sheep flock, the living source for the shepard. All signs are surrounded by hard cuts as wolf's teeth, the continuous menace.
cod articol/article code: pas01
pret / price: € 45